Why should your employees accept change?


People often characterize themselves as flexible and open to new things. However, anyone who has ever tried to implement a major change knows that it involves resistance and it is very difficult. The key to the success of any change is to explain to the employees why the change is important and what benefits it will bring in the long term. It is necessary to communicate with all stakeholders and, if possible, to define a consultancy period when they will be able to come to you with their questions and comments before implementing the change. If your people do not get this chance, you can expect even stronger resistance.

Before you announce a change, try to prepare for reasons why your people may reject it. The Training Zone website highlighted the following ten typical causes of resistance to changes which you should base your arguments on. What obstacles should you expect?

1. What's the point?

Your people need to understand what reasons have led to the change. Prepare particularly those who have made it clear for a long time that the current method is the best and changing anything would be a mistake.

2. We are afraid of what will come

Fear of the unknown is particularly strong. People will support a change only when they really believe it will be more beneficial than the status quo.

3. What's in it for us?

The change should be presented not only from the company's perspective, but also from the point of view of individual teams and employees.

4. You can't teach an old dog new tricks

Many people do not express their fear that they can't learn the new skills the change will require. It is therefore appropriate to offer support in the form of development activities.

5. We like it as it is

You should count with the emotions your people feel in connection with the current way of working. Do not underestimate their opinion that a change is always for the worse.

6. That can't work

Your people may can be convinced that they or the company as a whole can't make the proposed change. You have to persuade them to change their mind.

7. It's just another fad

If your employees believe you are coming with just another fad, that will soon become irrelevant, they will ignore the change.

8. Nobody asked us

In order to get involved in the change, your employees must feel they are part of it. The change should not be a bolt out of the blue for them. You should prepare them gradually.

9. We don't want to change our habits

People love their habits and if you start asking them to change, they will feel insecure. Never underestimate the power of routines.

10. It's too difficult

Remember that it is not the same to comply with a change and to accept it. Your people may already be exhausted by constant changes and their motivation may be minimal. So focus on motivation.


Article source Training Zone - a UK website focused on learning and development
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