How are you wasting your energy?


You don't have to have a physically demanding job or be a professional sports person in order to feel exhausted. Energy drain can also be caused by stress and exaggerated expectations. Even if stress can't always be prevented, we often waste our energy. According to the Psychology Today website, we most often make the following mistakes.

1. We agonize over things we can't control

Just as we can't control the weather, we often have no influence over the behavior of others. We can't do anything about how our boss makes decisions or which communication style he uses. The only thing we can control is our own behavior. Feeling helpless every day leads nowhere.

2. We have unrealistic expectations

Most people expect to have achieved something by a certain age, they expect others to treat them with respect etc. However, not changing our expectations in the course of our lifetime will only lead to disappointment. If you have not meet some of your expectations after a long time, consider whether it is not high time to move on.

3. We avoid asking for help

Today's world puts a lot of emphasis on independence. When we don't know something, we are often afraid to admit it because we don't want to look weak. However, if you don't learn to ask others for help, in the end you will not only look weak, but rather arrogant and incompetent. Moreover, you will not build close relationships with other people.

4. We are afraid to try new things

The brain is trying to protect us by showing the worst possible situation. Being prepared for problems is good, however, you should definitely not avoid everything new just because there is a possibility of failure. Most situations are quite likely to be successful. If you don't give it a try, you will get nothing.

5. We take ourselves too seriously

No matter how high a position you hold or how big the responsibilities you have, you are not the most important person in the world. Can you make fun of yourself?

If you want to have more energy, stop complaining and start focusing on issues you can control. Stop for a while, think about what you have achieved and enjoy it. Forgive yourself the mistakes you have made. Find a reason to get up every day and appreciate what is to come. Use all opportunities to laugh, even if you are laughing at yourself.


Article source Psychology Today - a U.S. magazine and online community focused on psychology
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