How to earn trust when working remotely


More and more people are working remotely. It has indisputable advantages for both employers and employees, but it also has its drawbacks. One of them is a frequent lack of trust towards the employees who the managers can't directly check up on because they are working in different places. How can managers trust someone who they can't see and will probably never meet in person?

Contrary to the employees who are working in the same office, managers expect remote employees to miss deadlines and obligations or mislead their colleagues more often. They also tend to think that remote workers do not work hard enough or can't set priorities properly. However, they should realize that they don't need to check up on an employee every day in order to build a relationship based on mutual trust. It depends on their self behaviors.

If you are working remotely and you want to gain the trust of your superiors and colleagues, get inspired by the following recommendations published by Psychology Today.

  1. Clarify what exactly successful remote working involves from the perspective of both sides.

  2. Always demonstrate that others can trust you.

  3. Always keep your promises.

  4. Prove that you are competent by exceeding expectations and achieving great results.

  5. Determine a process of responding to other people's messages in a way everyone can rely on.

  6. If you are not sure about something, call somebody and ask. Communicate more, rather than less. If there is a question regarding fundamental issues, send or require a written confirmation.

  7. Try to make it as easy as possible for others to work with you. Be reliable, predictable and respond promptly.

Do you have any experience with working remotely? How do you earn trust of your colleagues?


Article source Psychology Today - a U.S. magazine and online community focused on psychology
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