New managers should be developed from the beginning


Developing new leaders is essential if you want your organization to be able to survive the long-term. First you should be willing to nurture and cultivate a leadership mindset. Letting new leaders manage teams when you haven’t developed a proper mindset is not good for your organization.

How do you identify new managers? They are aware of market trends and focus on collaboration. To make them leaders, short face-to-face workshops aren’t effective. Lasting results can only be expected when new skills and behaviors are incorporated into daily work activities. Virtual training and online communication with geographically dispersed new managers are now necessities, claims the website.

Meet today's young managers

Especially the millennials, who are now becoming the new managers and are eager to accept a higher level of responsibility. Millennials are good at promoting collaboration and they focus on the  strategic purpose of the organization they are working for. To them it is important to be connected to the company's vision. They want to play an important role, take on challenging assignments and interact with senior management teams. They are able to respond to market shifts quickly and they tend to be highly engaged when meeting these needs.

How to help them to adapt?

Senior executives must help new managers to acquire managerial know-how and hone certain inner qualities. These qualities allow every individual to act with authority and confidence. Managerial know-how enables them to become decisive and effective in settling issues.

However, it is not only about building skill-sets. Many companies teach their new managers how to plan and prepare a budget, but it is equally important to spur a behavioral change. Young leaders must understand their connection to overall company strategy and be able to inspire their teams from the front lines.


Article source - network of professional blogs
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