5 tips on how to improve the working environment in a call center


There are many negative prejudices connected to telemarketing and telephone sales, especially regarding the monotony of the working environment at call centers. However, it only takes a little effort to improve. The ICMI server has five tips on how to improve the working conditions at call centers.

1. Shake up the routine

Routine upsets the working environment and worsens the discipline of even the best salespeople. To avoid these problems, try to break up the routine of the call center every once in a while. Try fun contests, team-building events or awards for the best daily performances.

2. Nobody can go 100% all the time

Because salespeople area only human, they have good and bad days. Respect the fact that performance cannot always be perfect and everyone has a bad day once in a while. Occasional downswings are normal even for the best.

3. Divide the target to smaller parts

Setting goals is great motivation, but do not make them too long-term and seemingly unattainable. Performance plans should be divided into smaller units.

4. Training

It is important for people who sell over the phone not to fall into monotony. They should always keep trying to apply new procedures and techniques, which is only possible if they get regular training and new stimuli for development.

5. Promotion ladder

The best motivation for workers at call centers is to know that they can develop their career. If there is a fixed, easily understandable set of rules of promotion within the company, the optimism and the morale of the whole team will improve significantly.


Article source International Customer Management Institute (ICMI) - website for customer management professionals
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