Are your strengths your biggest weaknesses?


We can all agree on some personal traits and qualities that are generally beneficial and believed good for us as leaders. However sometimes there is too much of a good thing. It can make you less strategic in the eyes of your superiors. Your passion for a certain part of your business can turn into a weakness. Don’t overextend your strengths to the point where there are negative side effects.

Surprising as it may be, sometimes it happens. When a promising talent seems to be very customer oriented, it is usually a good characteristic. But the chances of future promotion can disappear when superiors think that the person is overly focused only on customers. When given the impression that it is the reason why the person constantly breaks company policies, or alienates other departments the focus is too narrow. Then it is not good, claims the website.

What must not be overdone?

1. Focus on results

You get things done and you deliver results? Great. However when your results are achieved at the expense of others, it is a less appealing characteristic. You must also always bear in mind legal and ethical concerns.

2. Niceness

Are you a caring and compassionate type of leader? If you are not able to deal with chronic underperformers and you constantly avoid conflicts, it will undermine your chances of being promoted.

3. Visionary leader

You are a master of your domain and a great strategist. Great! But never disregard the views of others and stop having never ending clashes with those who challenge your opinions.

4. Motivational leader

You always know which buttons to push to get people energized and engaged. Can this present any possibility of a problem? Well you may push people beyond their limits and be the cause of their burnout. Be careful when you motivate certain team members that it does not start to look like you are playing favorites. That’s no good either.


Article source - network of professional blogs
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