How to be offered a better job


Responding to job advertisements is far from the only way to get a new or better job. American expert on recruiting top talent and columnist Lou Adler thinks that directly applying for a job is one of the last options that you should try.

"Unless you’re a perfect fit on skills and experiences, applying to a job posting is a waste of time," explains Lou Adler. In his new article on LinkedIn, he described more effective techniques to attract the attention of a potential employer and get invited to a job interview.

1. Let yourself be found

Use keywords in your CV or your LinekdIn profile which are likely to be used by recruiters looking for experts for a position you want. Remember that you only have a few seconds to attract their attention after they open your resume or profile. That is why Adler is convinced that the most important thing is the line right under your name which summarizes who you are.

2. Get recommended

Recruiters prefer candidates who have been recommended over those who just respond to the ads. So try to find a person who can recommend you to a potential employer. This person can be a current employee or another trustworthy contact.

3. Use job ads as sources of contacts

Before you apply for a job, try to find someone in the company who can recommend you. Failing that, try to contact the particular department or manager of the team you want work for personally. Send him an email including samples of your work (not a CV). At the same time, find out whether the company offers other similar vacancies at other levels. Write these managers as well to increase your chances.

4. Describe your greatest achievement

Do not only write a general summary of your skills in your LinkedIn profile or in the email intended for hiring managers. Describe one of your biggest achievements in relation to the job you want. You can also go one step further and create a short video in which you introduce yourself and your accomplishments. You can also shoot an instructional video which explains how to deal with a certain situation according to your work experience.

5. Build relationships with the right people

It's not about trying to meet as many people as possible. You should concentrate on developing relationships with select individuals who work for employers looking for new people. The greatest chance for you to get a recommendation is by those who meet many people at different levels in their job, such as project managers.

6. Build your reputation as an expert

Actively comment on current topics in your industry via professionally-oriented media and social networks. Recruiters follow professional websites and communities of their readers. As an active member, you have a better chance of being contacted by them.

Finding a new job is not a matter of luck, but of what you do.


Article source LinkedIn Pulse - LinkedIn blogging platform
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