Delegation is a manager's must

Why should I teach others to do something instead of myself, when I can do it faster? It would only be a waste of time. Especially new managers, but also stubborn old bards who are afraid of losing their authority, think this way.

A manager who does not delegate only makes his team feel bored and they stop trusting him. He becomes exhausted and may even burn out. As a result, he will not get more, but less work done.

Apart from getting work done, managers should also be interested in developing the skills of their subordinates, that is why they should be able to delegate.

Delegating does not mean only assigning tasks. It's a tool to ensure that each member of the team, including the manager himself, can contribute to the company's business goals and constantly learn new knowledge and skills.


To properly distribute work among your team members, you must first understand authority, writes

You must be able to decide when to give up your authority and why. Specifically, authority can be delegated in three areas - decision making, resource utilization and problem solving. You have the following options to chose from.

When not to delegate

Do not delegate your basic responsibilities such as team performance management or solving problems that may jeopardize the results of the entire team. You also have to take care of most personnel issues. Do not throw away your responsibility for activities others are not qualified for or able to fulfill within a set deadline.

When to delegate idea creation

Delegating responsibility for new ideas is appropriate in a situation when others' expertise can be a great help, or when you want to enhance your team members' involvement in working together. However, you must always be ready to listen to the new ideas and consider their possible use.

When to delegate tasks

Delegate responsibility for fulfilling tasks that are clearly defined and do not require too many difficult decisions. This phase occurs after deciding what idea you are going to implement. Employees know what they should do and should be given a certain amount of freedom in how to do it.

When to delegate authority

You can delegate your responsibility for more difficult tasks that require more decision making to those people who are qualified to do the task or who can do it with little help from you.

Try to focus more on how effectively you use your work time. What can you delegate so that you could focus on a more strategic work?


Article source Fast Company - leading U.S. magazine and website for managers
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