Can you be happy even in bad times?


We should be concerned about how we interact with others, because our time here is limited, we only have about 40-60 years. After that, things will start falling apart. We all start to forget things and our main focus will be our plans for the later years of our lives.

What it is that you want?

Think of what you would like to read on your tombstone. A little morbid idea, but go on and give it a try. It may reveal your deepest urges and desires. How would you describe your personality in a way that would satisfy you? Of course, we can control some parts of our lives better than the others, but sometimes there are things over which we have no control. The real end is always is out of our control.

Golden rules of happiness

Enjoy your work, treat people fairly and have fun, even though sticking to all of these three commandments  can be difficult sometimes. It is easy to forget them as we are bombarded with ,what we consider, serious matter and issues every single day. An article on the talks abut how the author was struck with a really serious issue, a brain tumor.

He needed  brain surgery, which is never easy. He had to cope with having two holes drilled in his head, as doctors removed the tumor from his brain. After there were some complications that made the recovery a bit slower, but now he seems to be OK. His health is almost normal now but he claims the tumor changed his life for the better, even just a few months after the surgery.

Happiness is in us

Happiness is an emotion that we just can’t afford to let slip away. Even when times are tough, don’t let happiness disappear. Happiness is striving after our potential and feeling connected to it. Don’t dwell on bad times accept that it is perfectly normal that they sometimes occur.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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