Recruiting mistakes of small business owners


Entrepreneurs who are hiring their first employees frequently make the same mistakes. Mostly they want to speed the process up as much as possible, which leads to selecting workers too hastily. An entrepreneur might, for example, hire a salesperson, but after a while it turns out that he actually needed a customer service manager - and that requires slightly different skills.

The basic rule is this: Before you start recruiting, you should know exactly what position you are hiring for and what a suitable candidate should be able to fulfill. According to, it is also necessary to watch out for the following mistakes.

Unrealistic salaries

Do not think up salaries for your employees yourself. Find real data. First, visit the the Czech Statistical Office website and find the latest information on salaries in your field and region. Regular statistics of average salaries are also published on job portals such as or You can also ask HR professionals directly in specialized discussion groups on LinkedIn, such as in the HR News group.

Unclear job titles

Entrepreneurs tend to create lofty job titles. One reason for this is to compensate for lower salaries, but often it is a clear misunderstanding of the actual job description. It happens, for example, that the receptionist works as a "Project Manager" or a recent graduate starts his first job ever as a "Marketing Director". This helps neither the company nor the employees holding these positions.

Lack of support after hiring

No entrepreneur should be so busy that he's not able to support his newly recruited employees who have not found their way in their jobs yet. It may be time-consuming in the short-term, but it is worth it many times over in the long run. The first weeks and months are crucial for setting up your whole working relationship.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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