If the CEO of your company is a good communicator, he or she can have a great impact on the company culture. Every manager who communicates well with employees also has a positive impact. It is necessary to be a good communicator. During an event, try distributing cards to attendees in order to collect questions and adjust and tailor your presentation to the site where the event is taking place. Also focus on finding out what your staff thinks about a particular issue, advises the management-issues.com website.
1. Forums for staff
Also known as Town Halls – at these events employees can hear news about company strategy and the latest developments from the CEO and other senior managers. It is also possible to address real issues and concerns of the employees who visit the forum. Invite your employees to share their suggestions with senior management about how to do things in an innovative way. Encourage two-way communication, because forums for staff are the best occasions for communication and exchange of information.
2. Employee recognition
CEOs can communicate change through supporting and recognizing employees and their achievements. Invest some time and recognize high achievers and change agents personally. The message communicated to others is clear. Those who support and engage in the change agenda will be rewarded.
3. Site visits
That is a great opportunity how to find out something from the frontline employees. Spend some time talking with employees and ask them for their ideas and proposals about what might be done better.
4. CEO blog
Technology enables every CEO to report on the progress of the transformation and foster employee engagement throughout the whole period of the transformative process. What should be shared? Key observations and achievements from strategic meetings and regional visits.