These 5 traits will make you a great leader


Successful leaders are not afraid of the unknown. They are creative and can imagine how their organizations might work more effectively.  They never lie. They like to keep it real,  they speak honestly and frankly and their employees respect them for it.

Winning organizations are those where managers encourage collaboration. Even when times are tough, they consistently create a culture that drives people with the help of strong leaders, claims the website. What makes great leaders?

1) They have a strong vision

But not only vision, also the ability to communicate it through stories and written words. Successful leaders do everything they can to motivate and engage their employees. They want every employee to understand how each little achievement works for the greater good. Truly successful leaders don’t focus only on their personal gain. Their goals involve everyone in the organization.

2) They perceive different views

They are able to see things from a customer or a stakeholder perspective, therefore they are able to identify opportunities for improvements. They never resist change and they are never satisfied with the status quo.

3) They demonstrate  trust

In their organization, empowerment is a real thing. Creativity is unleashed thanks to their trust in people. They don’t get mad when someone tries to do something differently.

4) They are good with people

They manage tough personalities, because it is necessary. Difficult people can ruin the whole team.

5) They focus on results

And they know how goals should be set. They monitor progress and reward high performers. Successful leaders never tolerate someone stealing credit for anything he didn’t do.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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