Can you set goals that will get you to the next level?


Goals that are properly set and defined are already halfway reached, claims an article on the website. When you decide on what goals to set, you need to be realistic. That doesn’t mean that you should settle for less.

Your goals should be hard to achieve, even very hard to achieve, but not impossible. Don’t settle for mediocrity, but try to become better gradually. Every time you achieve your goal, set a bigger goal for the next time.

1) Set original goals

Don’t just copy goals others have set for themselves. Many people simply adopt goals that in fact are just what is expected of them by their surroundings. Therefore these people are consequently unable to hold on to these goals for a long time. When you define your goals, you need to focus on what actually brings you emotional satisfaction. Well, of course, your goals will be similar to other people's goals, but don’t just accept inherited goals. Make your own.

2) Be realistic and bold at the same time

Many people will tell you that you must get real and set realistic goals. Other people claim that goals must be extremely high, because only then will they motivate you to put the extra effort and work into the struggle. Both are right and both are wrong at the same time. Why? You need to strike the right balance between these two beliefs. Your goals should be high enough to motivate you, to make you push yourself to your limits, but they should also be achievable in a reasonable time frame.

3) Your goals must be specific

You need to set a deadline and you need goals that are specific. If you don’t, you are limiting your potential for success. Specific goals tell you what you need to do. If your goals are vague like “I will become rich”, they are not goals, they are only wishes. You need to define what you want and how you will do it, in order to make your wishes come true. These instructions and milestones are goals.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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