Build your reputation without bragging


If you have opportunity to present your own articles in print publications or on websites, go for it. It will take you only few hours and when you choose the right websites and publications, the impact on your visibility will be substantial. When others talk about your abilities and the value you add, you don’t have to talk about it yourself. When you are good at what you do, you shouldn’t have to market yourself, according to an article on the website.

Write articles

Share your experiences in publications that your target audience reads. That is a very professional way to demonstrate your talent and knowledge. It can bring about huge changes in your life. Even a few comments in newspapers can attract the attention of senior managers at top companies. New consultants are sometimes recruited because of what they have written and published.

Interviews in media

Similar to writing articles, but requiring perhaps even less work. Make sure that you start small and it will be easy. To begin, try offering interviews to local radio or newspapers in your neighborhood. For both interviews and articles, tell stories about your clients and the struggles they faced. That is key to delivering effective interviews. Stories are a great way to reveal and demonstrate the value you can bring without being arrogant or seen as a braggart.

Testimonials by your clients and portfolio building

Whenever there is a client or a business partner happy with your services, ask him or her to write you a simple thank you note. Let them describe what you did to help them and how you solved their problem. You can also build a portfolio. It is not only useful for artists. Put together a collection of examples of your accomplishments and display them on your website. Describe what you did and how it succeeded.


Article source Business Know-How - U.S. website focused on small and home business
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