Start your presentation with a BANG


Open your next presentation with a "you-focused" question or a story. Write an opening that will always help you know how to begin. Practice delivering the opening sentences confidently. Try to add a little bit of acting and emotions. Use gestures and pauses. The website has shared some tips on how to make a bang and grab your audience attention at the very beginning.

Ask questions focused on your audience

When you speak to your audience, using "you" like you are talking directly to them, as if you were old friends, it will ensure they pay attention. Also use rhetorical questions – you can always say “If I were to ask you… ?“ and answer it with something  connected to the topic of your presentation.

Use a story

We all know that stories build trust, but how do you craft one? You just need to create  a short narractive with a problem and then use some sort of exciting or interesting “aha” moment at the end. Of course, sometimes it is not easy to come up with a story relating to the idea or topic you are going to present. When you are struggling, try sharing your personal experiences.

  • The biggest mistake you have ever made.
  • The moment you are really proudest of.
  • The biggest lesson you have learnt..

Powerful openings makes miracles

Try to open your speech with one of these lines.

  • If you were with me… (where? what would they see? what would they learn?)
  • Have you ever… (had the feeling that…? witnessed something… ?)
  • I will never forget the day… (you did something? you experienced something? what was it?)
  • Imagine… (imagine you’re lost in Berlin. You don’t speak any German and you are broke. What would you do?)


Article source Presentation Magazine - free presentation resources
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