14 steps to success and mental strength (1/2)


We experience many serious situations, during our lives, that test our mental strength. The stronger we are mentally, the greater the chance we have of being successful. However, this is easier said than done. We have to be able to see new opportunities where there are none at first glance.

The good news is that we can improve  and strengthen our mental resilience. Travis Bradberry published an interesting article on this subject on Inc.com. Bradberry is an expert on emotional intelligence and the author of a globally successful book entitled Emotional Intelligence 2.0, which has also been published in Czech by BizBooks. What habits should we learn with if we want to achieve success in life?

1. Emotional intelligence

If you want to be mentally resilient, you must first understand strong emotions and learn to manage them.

2. Confidence

The impact of self-confidence on success is a scientifically proven fact. Truly self-confident people earn more money and are promoted more often than others.

3. Ability to deal with negative people

Mentally strong people control their emotions no matter who they deal with. They do not let their own or others' anger or frustrations influence them.

4. Ability to accept change

Fear of change is one of the main obstacles to success and satisfaction. You should learn to welcome change as new options.

5. Ability to refuse

Inability to say no is associated with increased stress and can even cause burnout and depression. A mentally strong person knows how to refuse politely, but clearly.

6. Willingness to take risks

Sometimes, fear is so paralyzing,  that we do not do something we would like to try. The result are feelings of regret and frustration. Fight your fear and you will see that it is better to fail than do nothing.

7. Ability to learn from mistakes

The path to success is full of failures and mistakes. Mentally strong people know this and realize that they can't experience true success without failing first. The important thing is  not to repeat the mistakes, learn and move on.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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14 steps to success and mental strength (1/2)


14 steps to success and mental strength (2/2)