10 skills of emotionally intelligent leaders

A leader who really wants others to follow him can't be a tyrant or a grouch. He must be pleasant and likeable. Entrepreneur.com published an article on this subject by Travis Bradberry, an expert on emotional intelligence and the author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0, a globally successful book also published in Czech by BizBooks


Bradberry is also a co-founder of TalentSmart, the world's leading provider of emotional intelligence tests and training. Data obtained by TalentSmart from more than one million people clearly demonstrates that leaders with emotionally mature qualities such as openness, humility and positive attitude are not only likeable but also significantly outperform others.

Charisma and IQ is not enough

"Becoming a more likeable leader is completely under your control, and it’s a matter of emotional intelligence (EQ)," says Bradberry. "Unlike innate, fixed characteristics, such as your intelligence (IQ), EQ is a flexible skill that you can improve with effort." Bradberry suggests emotionally intelligent leaders have the following characteristics that make them likeable for others.

1. They can build personal relationships and communicate on a very personal level.

2. They are approachable. They find time for everybody regardless of their status.

3. They are humble and never behave arrogantly.

4. They have a positive attitude towards people and the world. Even in negative situations, they remain optimistic with hope for a better future.

5. They do not let success go to their heads and when they make mistakes, they do not dwell on them. They learn their lesson and move on.

6. They are generous and share their knowledge and other resources with others. They are not afraid that someone will be better than they are.

7. Their actions show a high degree of integrity.

8. They can "read people", uncovering others' unspoken problems.

9. They perceive potential. They see the best in people and ensure everyone else sees it too.

10. They have something to say. They are not only charismatic but also have the knowledge and skills necessary for the success of everybody around them.


Article source Entrepreneur.com - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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