Working remotely: How to solve the issue of trust


Make sure that you give recognition to everyone and don’t keep it only for phone calls, because when it is  private no one else hears your positive appraisal. Relationships and trust can be enhanced by answering questions from all members of the team.

We all tend to believe that a colleague really is more competent and helpful when we are provide with a helpful answer or advice. Trust is built on common goals and proof of each other’s competence, claims the website.

Wins should be shared with everyone

When you achieve a win, share it not only with people who are around you. You as the manager are responsible that everyone in your team feels supported and respected. Therefore tell them when they have done a good job. And when you praise remote workers, assure them that you have mentioned their talents and achievements to their colleagues in the office.

Geographical distance doesn’t have to imply a lack of trust

Because of distance  locations and different timezones it is not always easy or even possible to speak to each other live. Team members therefore may feel a lack of communication. You should try as hard as you can to overcome this obstacle. The performance of your team depends on it. Take advantage of social media and software tools for collaboration.

Question and answer pages on the intranet are great chance for your team members to share their experience and expertise. Of course, not all problems and questions are suitable for this kind of collaboration. However, for some questions that is definitely a good way. Especially for questions that are not urgent and  require some additional materials – such as charts and tables.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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