Are you a professional speaker? Even if not, an effective close is still important


You want them to sign up for a programme. Or you want them to make a sale, or grant a loan. Maybe you want to see some organisational changes or be allowed to reorganise your own department. Or perhaps you are seeking support for a new plan or proposal. According to the website, regardless of what you actually want to see after your presentation is over, you have to name it and tell your audience what action you want them to take. How to go about this?

- Be frank about what you want your audience to start doing.

- Tell them quite clearly that they should start doing it.

- Convince them. Give them a really compelling reason to do it.

Sometimes, especially if you are a speaker or a manager who is trying to kick off a coaching career, you might have lesser demands. But still be specific and tell your audience what you want them to do. Otherwise some of them will not notice, others will not care and others still will forget what is expected of them.

How it might look like

You could tell the audience the following:

1) Leave a comment in a suggestion box by the exit telling you how they plan to use the technique you have just spoken about.

2) Ask those who don’t want to leave a comment to send you an e-mail telling you about a presentation they need to deliver soon and you will give them some tips on how to arrange it or what to focus on.

3) Now the compelling reason: the person who leaves the most interesting or compelling comment will get a free, half-hour coaching session from you on Skype.


Article source Presentation Magazine - free presentation resources
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