5 warning bells for managers who are not doing well


When you have not tried anything new for a long time, it may be a sign that you are not management material. Also, you should watch out if you find out that it suits you better to deal with the tasks yourself rather than motivating your their subordinates to do it.

Lack of interest in the development and management of your subordinates is another symptom of a person who perhaps should not work as a manager. Beware, since if you do not care about the development of your subordinates, you will not be promoted because there is no one to replace you - you have failed to prepare your successor, warns the management.about.com website.

1) Lack of innovation

The problem arises when you do not come up with innovations or you aren't supporting others in coming with their own innovative ideas either. Once trying new things becomes too difficult and uncertain for you, and you begin to be satisfied with how things are going already, it should be a signal that something is wrong.

2) You're not trying to become a better manager

You have stopped thinking about how to become a better leader. There are no books on how to better manage and motivate people on your desk. When was the last time you attended a course or training session for managers? And, if you did complete it, were you cynical and skeptical? The key is staying open to new things and keeping yourself interested in personal development.

3) There are no team meetings

You never meet with your subordinates face to face, and so you cannot learn about the latest developments in their lives or what are they working on. You realize that dealing with people and solving problems associated with them makes you tired and you prefer to be in your office working on your favorite projects.

4) Nobody asks you to be his mentor

Your subordinates with high potential turn to other managers for advice and to discuss new issues and ideas. That is a clear signal that you could be doing better.

5) None of your subordinates have been promoted recently

This is a sign that your subordinates are not growing. On the contrary, they could be as satisfied with the status quo as you probably are. They have no urge toward personal development and there is no one to motivate them. Why? Because there is a manager missing.


Article source About Management - part of the About.com website focused on management
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