Less is more in time management


Who would not want to manage time more efficiently? Trying to make better use of your time is commendable, but it does not mean that you should look for increasingly complex systems or new miracle applications that will manage time for you. The "less is more" rule is applicable even for time management.

To be productive, look for the simplest possible solution, advises Craig Jarrow alias Time Management Ninja on his blog. How should you do it?

1. Use only one tool

It makes no sense to have multiple to-do lists or to use more than one calendar. Choose the tool you consider to be the simplest to meet your needs. You do not need any extra features.

2. Focus on fewer tasks

Instead of starting twenty different tasks, choose the five most important ones and pay full attention to them. This is one of the simplest rules which most people overlook, but which absolutely works.

3. Do the same things at the same time every day

Regularity improves discipline. Create daily habits and see what you can do and what you have problems with.

4. Limit meetings

Meetings are often a waste of time. Yet again, you had better follow a few simple rules. Arrange and attend only meetings with a clear purpose, agenda and timetable. Invite only people who must be present and attend only meetings where you really need to be present.

5. Learn to say no

You do not have to do things that are unimportant to you. Each time you agree to do such a task means you are losing  time you could have used to do something else. Your goal is not to be busy all the time, but to select only truly important activities to focus on.


Article source Time Management Ninja - practical time management tips
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