How to make a presentation engaging?


In November the colours of leaves shift from green to gold, red and orange. On some days, the change literally can stop us in our tracks: the new colours and changes in nature are so powerful that we cannot resist staring at them in astonishment. Such moments are wow moments. Do you know these?

Change has a great influence and power over all of us. You can try to escape, ignore or deny it but there is a better option: you can embrace it and use it to work in your favour when you are delivering a presentation. This advice comes from an article on the website and applies especially when you have in your repertoire a presentation that you are using time and time again.

When a presentation lacks change

Certainly it is easy and comfortable to settle into a routine with speeches and presentations. You just open your old presentation on your computer, change a logo here and an image there. Certain words will be added or removed and a few numbers updated. And then you simply deliver almost the same presentation to a new audience. It is that easy ... nonetheless you should not do this too often. Your presentation might be new to your audience but it will not be new to you. Such a presentation will not keep you on full alert as you are when you really do have to prepare properly.

Presentations must contain some wow moments ... and for yourself too

Of course, you don’t want to change something that works well. However, consider changing something in your presentation just to keep yourself as engaged as an audience hearing it for the first time will be. Find ways to make a minor change in the presentation. Add a wow moment. This can be a moment that wows your audience … but it could be and perhaps should be a moment that somehow wows you yourself.


Article source Presentation Magazine - free presentation resources
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