Getting rid of the fear of change


Employees' typical response to change is resistance. It is mainly due to uncertainty and fear of what the change may bring. Managers should, therefore, communicate with employees and help them get rid of unnecessary fear. However, this is easier said than done. Employees should be told about not only the benefits a specific change will bring  but several general rules that will help them understand why the fear of change is just a waste of time.

According to, anybody who is scared of change should understand the following reasons why it makes no sense to be managed by fear.

Changes will always come

Life will go on regardless of whether you are afraid of change or not. It  helps  a lot when you realize that you can't control everything and it is useless to get stressed by it. Then you can concentrate on the things you can control.

Changes are prerequisites of growth

Fear of change often prevents people from further growth and development. Although they know that they are not using their full potential, they maintain the status quo. This can, however, lead to depression. If you want to achieve something, you have to start seeing changes as opportunities.

The worst things will not happen

When we are scared we tend to construct the most catastrophic scenarios. However, the worst thing you can imagine in the context of a particular change, in most cases, will not happen. Focus on the present and you will see that the future will not be so terrible.

A pleasant surprise may happen

Admit your bad attitude to changes. Try to consciously focus on not perceiving changes negatively. Think about what positives a change can bring. You may be pleasantly surprised.

You are strong and you can do it

Most people underestimate themselves. However, when problems and troubles come, they overcome them. It is important to remind yourself of what you've already achieved and that there is no reason why you can not achieve anything more.


Article source Psych Central - the Internet’s largest and oldest website focused on mental health
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