How does a successful working day begin?


The beginning of a working day is critical for how productive we will be all day. If you come to work late, you probably don't care about productivity very much. However, even those of us who try to start the day properly and achieve as much as possible until it's time to go home, often makes mistakes. The most common mistakes include drinking coffee just after arriving at the office and organizing morning meetings.

How should you start the working day so that you can be as productive as your colleagues and superiors would appreciate? The Business Insider website published the following rules for the first 10 minutes at work.

Come on time

Late arrivals are a clear signal to your superiors that you don't care about your job enough. It will not help to stay later.

Greet your colleagues

Saying good morning create a pleasant working atmosphere. If you don't notice others, they will think you are not only unsociable, but also incompetent.

Do not drink coffee

You should not drink coffee before nine o'clock in the morning. Most people have the highest level of the hormone cortisol, which regulates energy, between 8 and 9 a.m. If you drink coffee during this time, the body begins to produce less cortisol and starts requiring caffeine.

Do not reply to all emails

At the very beginning of the day, you should only check your e-mail to find out whether there is something really urgent. Then plan when you will deal with less urgent messages.

Create a schedule for the day

Look at your calendar and to-do list to set priorities for the day. Only then start working on particular tasks.

Do not start with simple things

On the contrary, you should concentrate on the most demanding tasks of the day, while you have the energy and time. You can devote time to other things later.

Do not multitask

Multitasking is very common in the morning. It is partly because we have a lot of energy and we think they can do everything at once. However, it is always more productive to do one task at a time, regardless whether it is in the morning or evening.

Think positive

Put negative thoughts aside. Did someone make you upset on your way to work? Did you have an argument at home? Think about it later and concentrate on work.

Do not organize meetings

Meetings held right after arriving at work are not effective. While workers have a lot of energy, they lose it at the meeting instead of focusing on their real work. After the meeting ends, they have no more capacity for their tasks.

Create a routine

When you start work in the same way every day, you save mental energy. It helps you concentrate on what's important.


Article source Business Insider - American business and technology news
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