Are you innovative? Turn yourself into an innovative person


Innovative people have the ability to see meaningful patterns within apparently random data. This tendency is universal to all humans but is more pronounced among innovative thinkers. Therefore, you should intentionally look for patterns within your industry in order to spot them sooner than others. You will thus be able to foresee problems and hence be in a position to innovate as well - this is according to the website. 

Take notes

Your short-term memory processes only small chunks of information. So keep a collection of concise but detailed information about your ideas and insights or feedback you have obtained from others. You never know when you might use it.

Preach perfection, practice progress

Innovators strive for the ideal; however, they get work done in the real world based on what they have available. Discarding perfection completely would make you mediocre. So the solution is to aim for perfection but still make progress within the framework of what you have.

Fear is your friend

Fear is unpleasant; however, it does bring certain benefits. Your awareness is heightened, you develop compassion for others who you are working with and you also begin to feel a strong commitment to survive at all costs. No matter how severe the obstacles you face, fear can be good for you. Just regard it as an advantageous adrenaline rush.

Work smart, not hard

Innovators are lazy: they will always find the easiest way to get a project done. Strive not to create only the best product but also the best process.

Healthy arrogance

Key for any innovation is not just being the first one to come up with the idea; it is the implementation that counts. You need a little bit of arrogance here: it is about having the boldness to be the first to actually try it. Who produces wins.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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