Should you accept a take-it-or-leave-it job offer?


Take-it-or-leave-it job offers seem to be quite frequent. When it comes to salary negotiation, firms like to put their first and last best offer on the table. What should you, being the candidate, do? If you ever happen to be in such a situation, remember that there are many options. It is not only yes or no, claims the website.

Not the best way to hire

Such offers are rather unfortunate, because they send out a message that communicates power and closes the door to a meaningful understanding of the candidates, their situations and their needs. Furthermore, such a limited offer demotivates new candidates and gives them the impression that there is no room for dialogue in the respective company.  

Companies need to listen more to their applicants – that is a matter of fact. However if the day comes when you get that “take-it-or-leave-it” offer, you had better be prepared.

Take the offer or challenge it

The limited option given may seem intimidating. However, there is still somethings you can do.

1) Attempt to identify if the “take-it-or-leave-it” condition is limited only to salary, since this usually is the most visible part of compensation packages. If it turns out that this is the case, try to negotiate  the  other parts of your compensation. There could be some room for customization. Start talking about vacation, trainings, or more flexible hours.

2) If the proposal is absolute, you should ask why. Could it be about transparency and fairness?   At the very least, you can ask some questions and share your ideas.

Negotiation is a great opportunity to learn and you as the candidate can argue that your intention is to enhance your understanding of the company. Also don’t fail to communicate that you will be happy to have your compensation package transparent and that you are ready to align with the company's spirit of fairness.


Article source INSEAD Knowledge - INSEAD Business School knowledge portal
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