Four powerful ways of dealing with rejection


Rejection, no matter how unpleasant it may be, has one positive feature: it helps to build resilience. When you have to rise again and again from the emotional low to which you were sent by rejection, you grow stronger and become more resistant. Do not be carried away by your emotions; focus on what is most important to you and try to hone your skills.

Rejection hurts

Rejection bothers you, you feel offended by it and may even think the person who rejected you hates you or, at the very least, for some strange reason has a problem with you. This may even be true but it is not a good idea to think like this every time you experience rejection. Such thinking will damage your self-confidence and you would eventually begin to make excuses rather than try over and over again. That would be wrong. The website recommends the following ways of dealing with rejection:

1. Deploy logic, not emotions

Rejection can be very emotional and emotions do indeed have their place here. People will reject you because:

  • they are not yet ready to say yes
  • you asked them at the wrong time
  • you are dealing with the wrong person
  • they genuinely don’t like you

Look at things logically and then move on. If you allow your emotions to drive you crazy, you will feel bad and that will only slow you down. Focus on what you can do or change.

2) Think about what you want to achieve

Do not waste time forever contemplating the rejection. Instead, focus on your goals and your dreams.

3) Work on your skills

Rejection is, to a certain extent, based on your skills. How well you can influence people and how you treat them determines the result that such a rejection will have. Even if your skills are not the direct cause of the rejection, it is still a good idea to try to improve yourself. You will thus improve your position and that is always a good thing.

4) Attitude changes everything

Having the right attitude will enable you to forget about rejections and leave them behind. With the right attitude, no rejection can harm you.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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