Brian Tracy: Get your team to its peak performance


Effective managers are action-oriented. When there is a good idea, they are quick to implement it and make it real. That’s why you shouldn’t hesitate when you hear about something that can foster motivation. Put it into practice it immediately, the very day you hear the idea. The results of this approach can amaze you.

There is one very important thing in employee communication: the nexus between the manager and the managed. Contact or communication between the manager and the employee is the key determinant of performance, productivity and output in any organization, according to an article on the website.

The key to creating a peak-performance organization

You need to be able to create and sustain a high-self-esteem environment. Start with removing the fear of failure and rejection. These feelings and worries have a negative effect on personal performance. Be the leader who creates a positive, high-self-esteem workplace. Soon, you will notice higher performance, decreasing absenteeism and lower employee turnover. There will be much higher productivity and far fewer mistakes.

Motivate your team: two basic workplace needs

To perform at their best, people have two basic needs at work.

1) Autonomy

What is it? It’s the need to be respected as an individual with our own exceptional abilities and talents. It is about personal performance as well – the need to be recognized for individual achievement.

2) Dependency

We need to feel like we are a part of something bigger than ourselves. People simply want to be members of a team. It is the need to feel recognized and accepted as part of a group of colleagues.

Good organizations and good managers create environments where people feel both autonomous and important and, at the same time, they feel as if they are part of a team or of the whole organization. The reward structures in the best organizations are designed to reward both autonomous and team performance.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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