Brian Tracy: You probably need to learn a new skill


Where to start when you want to learn something new? You should begin by resolving to get into the top 10 % of those in the given field. Make the decision to climb the knowledge and skill ladder until you reach the top. This advice comes from the website.

For life to get better, you must get better

How long has it been since you learned a new skill? Rarely is our current skill set enough to get us any further than we are now. Your current level of knowledge and skill has been sufficient to enable you to achieve your current standard of living; however, to improve your income you need to move upward. It is necessary to learn and apply new skills. That is what professional and personal growth is about. There are no limits.

There are just 5 key skills

No one is really better or smarter than you. Everyone has tremendous reserves of potential. The trick is to use it. In any job or field, there are never more than 5-7 key skills. These are skills that are essential for you to be excellent at that job. Your weakest key skill limits the results you can achieve and thus also limits the level of your income. The one essential area where you are the weakest determines how far you can get.

Get busy learning that one skill

There is one key question: “What single skill, if you were absolutely excellent at it, would most help you to move ahead in your career?

Whatever your answer to this question is, it will invariably be your weakest key skill and the one you need to develop. Make this skill your goal. Write down what you can do to master this skill: the books you could read, the courses you could take … And then get busy doing it.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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