4 mistakes people make on LinkedIn


The LinkedIn network is an excellent way to keep in touch with what is going on workwise with your business partners, colleagues and current acquaintances. When used properly, however, it is also a magnificent tool for prospecting, developing business activities and getting informed about vacant positions. Do not make the four basic mistakes in using LinkedIn to its full potential which were posted by the INC.com server.

1. The passive user

LinkedIn, similar to other (social) networks, consists almost entirely of content created by users themselves. Nonetheless, many people use LinkedIn just passively; in other words, at most they update their profile and expect job offers, clients and business opportunities to be thrown at them. Be active, seek opportunities, address people and create content yourself.

2. No original content

Many of those who actually do create some content do so just by reposting articles by other users, from webpages, etc. But is that proof of their vision or expertise? No. Focus on creating your own content, write your own articles, post news about yourself personally, share your thoughts.

3. Always in the same pond

The network of connections of many people consists solely of current colleagues. Most of us have as contacts only people from our own field of business. Expand your scope, connect with people outside your sector. It is possible that they will be the ones who will introduce you to a completely new environment.

4. LinkedIn as a personal confessional

Many people use LinkedIn just to sell themselves, not to develop their business activities. That is a big mistake. LinkedIn is not only an HR catalogue but also a platform through which you can connect with new clients, prospects and business opportunities.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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