Main challenges of a new manager


No matter what your previous job description was, now your task is to be involved in guiding, developing and getting work done through others in your team. The moment you become a manager, all the knowledge and skills that made you necessary for those important projects are suddenly devalued. Upon your assumption of a managerial role, you need to cultivate and develop a whole new set of skills and you need to do it fast. Otherwise, you can’t be a successful manager, claims website.

Shift of focus

You need to shift your focus from yourself to them. Many first-time managers struggle to change the focal point to their subordinates. Previously, we were accustomed to worrying about our own deadlines, performance and the results delivered. In this new role, it’s all about supporting the work of team members. It is not only about you anymore.

You may lose something you liked

The work you love is not going to be your primary focus in the future. By becoming a manager, you must often give up some part of your previous job and activities. That can be tough when you have been doing what you truly love. However, after fully shifting to the managerial role, it can be pretty fulfilling.

Your success depends on others

Your success or failure now depends to a large degree on others. It is not solely in your hands. Did everyone always applaud your work? That won’t be the case now. You’re in charge of your team and if they fail, you’ve failed. On the other hand, when your team succeeds, it’s about them, you cannot claim it as only your success.

Get used to making mistakes

In the first years of leading people, you are very probably going to make some mistakes. Even if these mistakes were written down and posted next to your computer, you will still make them. Learning to manage and lead is full of some common mistakes. You need to be humble and willing to learn and develop from your mistakes.


Article source About Management - part of the website focused on management
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