Myths blocking your success debunked


Try to find the area you are best suited for. Don’t rely excessively on positive thinking; it is better to add some real hard work too. You need to work on yourself, be prepared to make sacrifices – and remain humble.  Let’s see what common myths may be blocking your path to success, as presented by the website.

1. Talent doesn’t matter

The opposite is true! Of course talent matters. It is true that hard work often beats talent; however, this is not always the case. Certain predispositions are simply essential and if you do not possess them, you will not succeed in the given area. Therefore it is very important to discover your strengths and focus on them. Your hard work will then push you ahead of others whose effort is less than yours.

2. Positive thinking brings success

There is a widespread premise that all you have to do is visualise the things you want to achieve. That, however, is by no means enough. Yes, positive thinking is necessary but it will bring results only if you add some real effort. Merely wanting success will not make you successful: after all, everybody wants success. But not everybody is willing to do the work necessary to achieve it.

3. Humility is a necessity

We are often told to be humble and not draw attention to ourselves. Those who behave otherwise are considered to be arrogant. Yet while most people are humble on the outside, in reality on the inside they are very selfish. They appear modest on the surface but are inwardly convinced they would deserve more than they actually have. The result is they complain and grumpily wait for circumstances to change … In actual fact they should really be working on changing themselves.

Genuine humility comes from within. This inner humility is acquired by doing work and taking the time to learn and develop yourself. Only after you have confidence in your abilities will you experience real success.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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