Make change happen with 5 emotional levers


Traditional change tools are building trust, transparency, clarity of change goals and others. These logical explanations make intuitive sense; however, when forming a better picture of what leads to success, there is more to it than that. Look at these different types of collective emotions that you can encourage. They were presented by the business school INSEAD.

Respectful authenticity

Alignment between thought, action and feelings. Open up channels that will allow for constructive criticism. Prepare such conditions that frank and open discussion may take place at formal meetings rather than just in corridors. Encourage others to disagree and debate with you. That way any fears or criticism concerning proposed changes can be expressed. All you need is to maintain mutual respect.

Deserved pride

We like being appreciated for our differences and concrete contributions to others. Involve middle managers who have different opinions and experiences.

Realistic hope

This is about the belief that today’s actions will improve the collective future. Take steps that will encourage your employees to focus on bright opportunities in the future.

Inspirational discontent

You need to believe it is possible to fulfil one’s highest potential. Not all positive emotions are warm. Restlessness and dissatisfaction are also good as long as they don’t lead to apathy. Refuse to proclaim ultimate victory. Don’t stop: keep moving ahead. People want to be a part of something great.

Thoughtful passion

You will never be more passionate than when you start to envisage a new, exciting challenge. Bring together middle managers from different departments and divisions and let them collaborate on a challenging project. This might be the development of an ambitious corporate strategy for something. Such unaccustomed authority will spark within them an extraordinary passion, pride and effort, that’s for sure.


Article source INSEAD Knowledge - INSEAD Business School knowledge portal
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