Ways to use social media beyond marketing


Have you realized that social media is much more than a marketing tool? Integrating social media teams into other parts of your business brings a huge potential market. Social media marketers can frequently get in touch with customers both directly and indirectly. There are candid, public conversations taking place in front of our eyes. This combined with the data gained from social media can be successfully used to create a better customer experience, claims the business2community.com website.

Look for feedback and product development opportunities

If your business is based on a physical product, take into account any positive or negative posts by your followers. Let them help you develop and launch an even better product. Sure, you can also proactively ask for feedback. Distribute surveys related to your products and you don’t have to limit it only to the products you offer. Seek feedback on anything. Ask your customers what they didn’t like, what they would like and where you can improve. Your audience can provide you with many valuable ideas and insights.

Extend the life of your content

Social media is a perfect way to use your evergreen content. Sometimes you can refresh old pieces. Use networks like Twitter to link back to your older content if it still offers relevant information. Content gaps can also be filled with old content. You may have old pieces that need just a few statistics updates and new graphics to be ready to go online again.

Test content for offline communication

If you have a great video or an exciting infographic, also use it offline. Test commercials on YouTube and Facebook. Online testimonials can be used in brochures and conference materials.


Article source business2community.com - open community for business professionals
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