Differences between winning and losing leadership styles


Winning leaders focus on results and know how both to appreciate and reward them. Unsuccessful leaders usually fail to set goals, don’t know how to monitor progress and don’t reward their staff for outstanding performance. Here are seven other differences that separate good leaders from the rest, according to the management-issues.com website.

1) Visions or personal gain?

Winners have a vision and frequently communicate it through stories. They know when and how to deploy the written word. They want to engage and motivate their teams. Leaders at losing organisations have no vision. All their goals are aimed at purely personal gain.

2) Leading by example

Leaders at successful organisations do the things they ask others to do. Losers, on the other hand, talk but don’t do. Furthermore, they avoid responsibility when something goes wrong.

3) Identifying opportunities for change

Successful leaders examine their businesses from a customer and stakeholder perspective. Leaders at losing organisations resist change and promote the status quo. The reasons for that? Laziness and fear of the unknown.

4) No spinning of the facts

Winners prefer to keep it real and tell it like it is. That is why other people respect them. Losers lie because it’s easier for them.

5) Trust or control?

True leaders exhibit trust in their staff. They enable empowerment and encourage creativity in others. Poor leaders demand things be done their way or not at all.

6) Conflicts

Winners address conflicts before they affect performance and morale. Losers encourage conflicts.

7) Difficult personalities

The best leaders are especially focused on managing difficult personalities. They know that such people can destroy an organisation. Poor leaders themselvesĀ have difficult personalities.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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