Criticism? Let me have it!


Negative feedback creates a feeling of insecurity and sometimes even fear. That is because we perceive criticism more intensely than praise. If, however, we learn to accept it, it becomes a useful tool for our continued growth and development and will help us achieve success in our careers. A simple procedure to follow was published by

1. Do not be defensive and listen

Most negative feedback is shared with the good intention of helping. Appreciate the fact that it can be very difficult even for the person who is criticising you. Therefore, you should always thank others for their time and attention at least in your mind (it is not always appropriate to say so out loud).

2. Reflect on the meaning

Any criticism can be positive if you find a lesson to learn from it. In order to understand the meaning of the feedback given to you, you have to ask two questions. The first is whether it is true. If nobody else is of the same opinion or the feedback is not provided to you with good intentions, don't bother about it. The second question is how the impression was created. Others often criticise our good qualities only because we exaggerate them or they have misunderstand our good intentions.

3. Decide whether to react

There is no need to respond to all feedback. Some criticism is better ignored or you might return to it later. Ask yourself whether the issue in question stands in the way of your career success. If not, let it be. If it does, you need to act and learn a positive lesson.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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