High time for hiring a business coach

Professional athletes sometimes encounter problems which require the assistance of a sports coach. A similar principle applies in the world of business: there are moments when managers, both experienced and new, can benefit from expert advice.


An article at forbes.com offered tips from eight different members of Forbes Coaches Council, suggesting when the time might be right for you to consider seeking the services of a business coach.

1. Feeling overwhelmed

You feel work piling up and there is never enough time to do it all. A business coach will help sort out your priorities and get things back under control.

2. Needing someone to trust

You need someone to confide in but don’t want to risk losing credibility with staff or customers. A coach will listen and provide you with unbiased feedback.

3. Inability to act

You feel you know what needs to be done but are unable to turn thoughts into deeds. Someone from outside can help reformulate your general principles and come up with a concrete action plan.

4. Unsatisfactory results

If your chosen strategy is proving less effective than you had hoped, an objective assessment and advice from a business coach may help you find the way to greater prosperity.

5. Saving time and money

Both experienced business people and startup entrepreneurs sometimes need advice on how best to tackle certain issues. Trying to solve everything yourself could ultimately prove to be a false economy.

6. Listening only to yourself

Those in high places can become isolated since ordinary people will seldom speak frankly to them. Entrepreneurs often work alone, so they too lack feedback. A coach can introduce an element of greater objectivity into your work.

7. Frustration because of other people

If you feel the people at work are not on the same wavelength as yourself or you sense a problem with the working atmosphere in general, the balanced opinion of a coach may be the best way to solve your dilemma.

8. Seeking growth

For businesses to expand, managers themselves need to develop professionally. The advice of good coach, upon whom you know you can rely, is worth its weight in gold.


Article source Forbes.com - prestigious American business magazine and website
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