Stop wallowing in negativity

Many good things happen in our lives, but our working world tends to drive toward the negative and the non-productive. Instead of finding things that may be good for a company, we keep digging for the negative things.  There are bosses who enjoy saying no to all new ideas. It can be a bit depressing. On those rare occasions, however, when these bosses say, “Yes, that sounds like a great idea!” your enthusiasm gets an extra boost.


Start turning negative into positive

Why do we prefer focusing on the things that don’t work well? It's probably our way of showing bosses how focused we are on making things better. Perhaps there is a better way, though. We can, and we should, be pushing for the positive as well.

Good bosses are a breath of fresh air

The author of an article on the website recalled that he had great bosses. These bosses like to see the world from new perspectives. They are open to new things and they appreciate the good in their direct reports. The author, who is a manager of creative production for a large entertainment company, reminds us that a fun and positive attitude has its role in our lives.

You should look for the good in your people, he claims. You should praise them. One of the author's bosses told him that the best use of a briefcase was for lunch. So why have a briefcase in the first place? To fool your neighbors into thinking you’re important! It was a joke, but there is something in it. It’s the fun that people miss out on. Engineers can have a good time creating new inventions.

We have maybe 40 to 50 years of productive work. That time can be spent making others miserable, but it is far better to spend that time making others feel wanted, productive and supported.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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