Overcome your nervousness with these simple tips

Uncomfortable situations have a lot to do with how you think about them. Here is a very easy trick that you can use before you go into situation that makes you nervous. Focus on three sounds that you can hear in the environment you're in. This exercise will bring your mind out of your anxiety and into the present moment. Read some more tricks below.


First, get some air

Breathe deeply and slowly, because when we are nervous our breathing starts to speed up. Adjust your breath so that you are not approaching a panic attack. Take a few deep breaths from your belly. Hold each breath and slowly breathe out. Deep breaths relax you. Your nervousness will become more manageable, according to an article on the addicted2success.com website.

Don’t let sugar or caffeine throw you off course

If you’re already nervous, caffeine and sugar will only make it worse. These two substances are stimulants and they can make you feel much more uneasy. Have some water – that is a better idea. Why? Before a nervous event you need to keep yourself hydrated. Your throat should be moist.

You might have noticed that some people sit and their hand or leg shakes for a really long time. This is often caused by too much sugar or caffeine in their bodies. Give up both of these substances and you may find that you are calmer in high pressure and nervous situations.

Focus on your passion

Nervousness often begins at the start of a situation and when you actually deliver your performance, it vanishes. So expect that the first few minutes will be uncomfortable. But there is a good chance the unease will go away once you have started the actual task. When there is an audience, use their energy to focus deep on your underlying passion that drives you.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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