What does the color of your car say about you?

The color of your car says a lot, not only about your personal taste, but also about your personality. There are, however, significant differences in what the color says about men and women. This article presents the results of an interesting survey on the psychological context of car colors and offers you a chance to find out what color corresponds most to your personality in a simple online test.


Black cars - smart women, disorganized men

A recent survey by Ford reveals that women who prefer black cars are naturally intelligent and able to fully focus on their tasks. If something doesn't go well, they get angry quickly. On the other hand, men who buy black cars are disorganized, tend to lose concentration easily and heavily rely on other people to complete their work.

Men who choose blue cars are sensitive, and give more weight to emotion than facts. The darker it is, the more conservative the person is. Women who buy blue cars strive for harmonious relations and avoid conflicts, but are strong-willed.

If you want to find out what color suits your personality best, try a short test prepared by Ford on this page.

Silver says nothing about women

The survey, which involved 200 British drivers aged 25 to 65, also shows that silver cars are driven by men who know how to keep calm in stressful situations. Male drivers of red cars excel in personal organization, act methodically and  keep focused on their goals. However, neither silver nor red show any specific personal traits of women.

The differences between what the color of a car says about a male or female driver’s personality could certainly explain why couples with very different personalities can often agree on their preferred car color,” explains the author of the survey - psychologist and psychometric testing expert Wendy Lord.

Czech drivers prefer white cars

A survey of the most popular car colors around the world has been carried out for many years by the supplier of products for automotive coatings, PPG. According to PPG's current rankings, the most popular car colors in Europe are  white (31%), black (18%), gray (16%), silver (12%) and blue (9%). The Czech Car Importers Association notes that most new cars sold in the Czech Republic in 2015 were white, followed by gray and blue.


Article source Ford Motor Company - media center of a global automotive industry leader
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