3 things entrepreneurs are bad at

And tips on how to fix these things are included. How can you finally celebrate your successes? And when do you need a coach? Find out what most entrepreneurs are not capable of.


1. Admitting their own success

It is human nature to cling to an underlying belief that “I am not good enough”. Most of us are able to sing the praises of other successful entrepreneurs with ease; however, when we retreat into the depths of our own subconscious mind, we beat ourselves up all the time.

Certainly it is healthy to feel that desire constantly to improve and bring out the best in yourself. After all, that is what helped you get where you are today. But if you are suffocating under an enormous and never-ending pile of work, you need to take a step back. Be aware that where you are today is probably already pretty good. This advice is from the addicted2success.com website.

2. Rewarding themselves

Rewarding yourself on your successes should be a no-brainer. It is quite easy to forget our little wins – and even our big ones.

There exist two simple steps to spark an immediate sense of accomplishment from just about anything:
- Make checklists. In itself the mere act of crossing something off a list brings a sense of achievement.
- Tell a friend or relative about some success and see what happens. Those closest to you will make sure you celebrate appropriately.

3. Asking for help

Entrepreneurs tend to dislike showing even a hint of weakness or vulnerability. They think it would jeopardise their credibility. High performing individuals have coaches and mentors. Help, like nothing else, can often accelerate your progress at anything. 


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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