5 top qualities that high EQ brings

According to some people, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a much more accurate predictor of success than IQ is. So when we are talking about success, people with an average IQ can outperform people with a high IQ. Why? Because the following qualities can be linked with high EQ.


1. Not a perfectionist

If you are emotionally intelligent, you reject the frustration that accompanies constant striving for perfection. If you're striving to be perfect, you may be unable to enjoy your achievements, warns the addicted2success.com website.

2. Self-motivated

You are emotionally mature when you are clear about your goals and you don’t need reminders. You are able to set tasks for yourself and work towards them on your own.

3. Empathy for others

And lots of it. You should be curious and genuinely interested in others. Also tune into body language and facial expressions to understand emotions, even without words. You need to enjoy asking questions to learn more about other people and their needs. Show you understand.

4. Awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses

Emotionally intelligent people know how to embrace their strengths. They can use them to compensate for their weaknesses. If, at work and in your social life, you deliberately choose situations that bring out your strengths, you will succeed. Whenever possible, we should choose friends and co-workers who help us with our weaknesses.

5. Not easily distracted

If you are able to be fully present in whatever tasks you’re doing, then your EQ is probably high. By focusing on completing one task at a time and not allowing distractions to get in the way, you are effective worker. You recognize the difference between multitasking and multi-focusing.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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