Training and ice cream: Rewarding employees for great work

You can say it loudly and in public. You can award them a day off. You can offer them additional training, if you know they want to develop themselves. When there is a shared success, throw in some food.


You don’t need to praise your employees every single day, but you should try to show that you appreciate them – and their work, too. Sometimes you forget and that's OK, but sometimes you should say thank you, advises the website. Here are four great ways to do it.

Showing that you care: There are many different ways

Here are some tips for you. Use them to show your colleagues that you appreciate them. You choose. It may depend on the size of your company, and on your personal taste. After all, you're the one who should know your people.

1) Specific praise. If someone went above and beyond, acknowledge it. Also provide specific details on why you think they did an outstanding job. You can do it in person, via email or even a handwritten letter. If others should know about it, send out a company-wide email. Your employees will feel appreciated – and also encouraged to keep up the good work.

2) Schedule a break from the office. If they’re doing really great work you can give them some special time off. Give them more flexibility, and they'll be more motivated to continue their hard work.

3) Bring in some free food. That's the way to many people’s hearts. When your employees have a big team success, order them a pizza or buy them an ice cream.

4) Offer training. Many people like to learn, so give them the opportunity to attend extra training in an area you know they're passionate about.


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