3 corporate narratives giving colleagues a sense of purpose

Through narratives you can create shared experiences, a sense of fellowship and common purpose. You can establish and clarify your corporate values and formulate expectations.


Shared purpose and common goals

Company and community narratives create a shared history, the perception of continued progress and also commitment to a desired future. The key element of the narrative is that people want to share it. Then it will tie events together and build meaning, according to an article on the management-issues.com website.

You cannot arbitrarily create a narrative and demand your staff accept it. You can, however, create a shared process through which the narrative will evolve. Most importantly, your corporate narrative should be larger than life – it must be inspiring.

1) The origin (founding story)

In a founding story you celebrate the originator. This is a kind of a hero’s journey where there is a founding vision and a story about how the founder overcame obstacles. Often it also formulates the common good the founder strove to fulfil. The founder’s unique qualities and vision should be highlighted.

2) Early victories

To build upon the founding vision you need to name some early achievements. The founder left the familiar world and entered unknown territory. There were certainly some challenges. That is how you establish the founding myth.

3) The momentum story

This story highlights what you are now working towards every day. A few words are enough to serve as a powerful metaphor. Humans will connect daily efforts with the core purpose of the enterprise. The momentum story connects us with our aspiration. It encourages the spirit of entrepreneurship in us.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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