How to waste your time and productivity

All of us trying to improve our productivity finally find out that certain recommendations work really well. However, we also learn that methods which are great for others are completely useless for us. The worst thing is that the steps that are generally recommended, but in fact makes our productivity even worse, seem to be very effective at first glance. What are the biggest pitfalls?


According to you should pay attention to the following theoretical recommendations to help you better organize and complete your tasks, but which don't work in practice.

1. No breaks

Do you think the best solution is to sit down and keep on working until the task is done? Then you're wrong. You can have your work done much faster and better when you take a short break at least every hour.

2. Immediate responds to emails

When you check your email all day, both at work and at home, you feel constantly stressed. Moreover, the urge to respond immediately switches your focus away from more important things. Try to delete your work mailbox from your phone or at least turn off notifications for incoming messages.

3. Practical applications

A whole range of applications to help us plan and carry out our goals, track our progress or manage projects are available today. The time you spend working with them is, however, often a waste of time. These applications can only be beneficial if you already have a pre-established and functioning system of organizing your activities.

4. Less sleep

Do you want to have more time? Go to bed earlier and get up earlier. This is a great piece of advice which ignores the dangers of sleep deprivation. You can't make yourself automatically more productive by forcing yourself to get up an hour earlier. Conversely, it can impair your memory, concentration and decision making. In the long term, it's certainly true that you need enough sleep to be productive.

5. The latest fads

There are always new tips on how to be more productive. Having a look at them them is okay. However, it doesn't mean that you should start implementing them just because someone else finds them useful. Success lies in finding methods that best suit your work style. Don't force yourself or others to do something you're incompatible with. A typical example is the recommendation to do the most difficult task of the day first thing in the morning. This only works for people who feel most energetic in the morning.


Article source The Muse - U.S. website focused on smart career advice and long-term professional development
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