You can be stressed out, but stay in control

You can decline to take on tasks and expectations that are making you weak instead of making you strong. You can ride out the stress and get ahead. Consequently, you might start enjoying it, but you have to be able not let it break you.


Adaptability is key

Some approaches to dealing with stress may be harmful in one set of conditions, and effective and beneficial under different conditions. An article on the website claims that we shouldn’t see certain strategies for coping with stress as always being right and others always wrong. Research shows that what matters the most when you face stress is your adaptability.

This level is connected with how well you are able to see and assess the situation you're in. It's also important is to be aware of various strategies for coping with stress. You must be able to use them effectively. Last but not least, it matters whether you recognize if the approach to stress you're using is working or not.

How to deal with stress

Sometimes it's also much easier to change the way you response to stress than changing the situation inducing the stress. Of course – sometimes, unfortunately, we simply can't change the situation itself. So how can you reduce the damage of stress when you can't change the situation?

- Reinterpret the situation or the trigger so that your response changes.

- Suppress the stress you feel.

- Try to focus on something else, so that your negative response doesn’t really have the chance to cause problems.

We can push our limits only for finite periods of time. When we go too far, negative consequences are inevitable.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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