When good is enough

Do you want to be the best in everything you do? Such dedication is commendable, but it can also be detrimental. There's a big difference between doing a good job and being obsessed with details that ultimately makes you counterproductive.

There are situations in which the best possible solution is to accept the fact that being "just" good is enough. When you should compromise on being perfectionist?


1. When you can't make a decision

These are cases when you hesitate between two or more alternative solutions and keep going back to reconsider one or the other. This is a clear signal that both the alternatives are equally good. Simply choose one and stick to it.

2. When you are solving an urgent matter

Urgency takes precedence over quality. Something must be done and details don't matter at this point. Something is always better than nothing, even though the nothing is a result of your efforts to present the perfect solution, at least at the moment.

3. When others consider it sufficient

When others are satisfied with your solution, stop thinking about what you could do even better. Pay attention to other tasks.

4. You've completed a task

Everything you do can't be perfect. When you realize this, your life will will be easier. Be satisfied with meeting your targets and move on. You will be much more effective.


Article source The Muse - U.S. website focused on smart career advice and long-term professional development
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