Brian Tracy: Being popular is not that difficult

Do you want to be charming and popular? Here are some tips on what to do – as formulated by Brian Tracy, the famous motivational and sales speaker.

First of all, learn to listen. When you listen closely to others who are talking to you, you are showing them your interest and respect. The person who is receiving your full attention will thus feel important and accepted.

Besides the importance of giving others your full attention, Brian Tracy emphasises the following points.


Smile, smile, smile to make others feel important

Everyone feels good when they are unconditionally accepted by others. Your smile is how you signal to your counterparts that you are accepting them – it is as simple as that. Show others that you are happy to see them by giving them a large smile.

The most important word: Thanks

Appreciate others for what they have done for you. Say “thank you” often. Do it with a smile and you can be sure that you will have raised the self-esteem of the person who helped you with something. Furthermore, that person will be more willing to help you next time too.

Praise others

Be generous when it comes to praise and approval. Even the smallest accomplishments count. If you praise others, you will be viewed as a charming person. The same applies to genuine compliments.

So appreciate the choices of others. Tell them that you like their hairstyles, clothing or even the layout of their office. Say a few positive words about people’s homes or their qualifications. By complimenting someone on something they are emotionally connected with, you will be remembered.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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