Product websites (2/2): Show reviews and do not require registration

The previous article described what needs to be kept in mind when creating the content of a successful product page. Now we will continue with another two tips that will push your conversion rates higher.


What does the website recommend regarding reviews and checkout options?

3. Reviews are gold … including the negative ones

Customer reviews are the best thing you can use in order to boost your online sales. Online reviews which praise your goods represent a kind of social proof and are especially powerful if they come from a reliable third party.

All right then: reviews are vital. Neverthless, they shouldn’t be in the spotlight all the time. Rather put the average rating somewhere above or to one side of the product so that visitors will have just a subtle hint of what others think.

If they want to examine the reviews further, make these available by scrolling down or at the click of a button. Even Amazon follows this strategy.

Negative reviews are not always bad for sales. In fact, if there are no such reviews at all, customers may become sceptical and assume the contributions are not authentic: then there will be no benefit at all from having them displayed.

Instead, make it clear that when a problem appeared, you made a thorough effort to help and correct any errors. If you really did make such an effort, no lasting damage will be done.

4. Checkout option: above all, keep it simple!

Leaving your product page means going through the vital stage of the buying process. Aim for simplicity, since second thoughts and a sense of unease become intense precisely at this stage.It is recommended the customer be allowed to finish a purchase without creating an account.

One in four customers cancels a purchase because they are being forced to set up an account (which often means spam e-mails retargeting every single day after).

Your checkout should be conversion-friendly. Offer the option for continuing as a guest or provide clear navigation indicating at which step the customer currently is.


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Product websites (1/2): Know your customer


Product websites (2/2): Show reviews and do not require registration