Do not resist criticism

When someone criticises us, it activates the part of our brain called the amygdala. That is how our brain responds much faster emotionally than rationally.

It is a typical response to feeling threatened when our body prepares for action in the form of fight or flight. Since it is usually impossible to flee, we start fighting. We say: "That's not true!" or "Okay, but ... ".

In fact, though, not eliminating the bad habits that critics are trying to warn us against represents a greater threat. Therefore, we should count on the fact that we have to stop our brains, listen to the entire message and then react wisely.

Let's look at how to do this.


According to, you should follow the steps below.

1. Thank your critics

Listen to criticism and thank your critics. Those who criticise you will usually have thought long about the feedback before telling it to you. Their aim is to help you.

If you thank them, they may be surprised but primarily you will thus create a pleasant atmosphere for further discussion. You will also learn more than if you were immediately to start a counterattack.

2. Find the grain of truth

Do not perceive criticism as an attack on your entire personality and all your behaviour. Focus on that part of it which is true.

3. Look for continuity

Think about whether you have already heard similar criticism in the past. Hearing it repeatedly is a clear signal that you should stop ignoring it.

4. Be curious

Consider why your critics think what they are saying. This will activate the grey matter of your brain, i. e. rational thinking. You do not have to agree but you should listen to feedback.

5. Ask questions

Use questions to make sure that you really understand the criticism. Uncover the specific behaviour you are being criticised for. Also ask your critics for recommendations on how you could improve.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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